Our FDCPA Training compliance course material is popular with attorneys, professionals and staff - either the beginner or experienced staff. Law firms, small and large, involved with debt collection, rely on our training for its thoroughness and it includes actual hands-on experience. It is an in-depth presentation of the Federal FDCPA Law (15 U.S. Code § 1692 et. seq.) and is intended to train all members of your staff - from individuals, managers and professionals. It generally takes several days to complete the course material and to test the knowledge of the individual. The FDCPA Course has been taught and used by law firms, collection agencies, debt buyers, corporate collection departments, professional trainers and by financial and legal service companies.
GET THE COURSEThe FDCPA Training material is comprehensive, and the quizzes cover all aspects of the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act. The course provides an in-depth review of all 18 Sections written in user-friendly text for ease of understanding and retention. The review of the law is coupled with FDCPA Court cases/findings for each case. Also, there are case problems/answers, examples, and collector scenarios that will assist with learning and understanding of the law. In fact, our course completion survey shows that 98% of the participants have a better understanding of the FDCPA and how and when to apply it to their day-to-day job. The participants rate our course material as "EXCELLENT". As a manager, your collection training compliance just got easier!